Namaste, I see you Oracle Cards
This deck was my first oracle venture. I was guided during a meditation to create a deck that would encourage the user to see the beauty in themselves and others. I love the art design of my dear friend Francie and I was so grateful that she joined me on this venture. Through the beautiful art of my spiritual artist friend and the psychic channel work I do, this deck was born!
Excerpt from guidebook:
Choosing the name Namaste, I see you supports my intention for these cards to take you on a deeper journey towards discovering your Divine Essence within. A journey without judgment, accepting that everything is perfect in its own way. The name brings a deeper meaning of the cards, the ability to support you to see that everything we view, feel, express and experience is a reflection of our beautiful and eternal aspect of self, and therefore, of Source, The Divine or Spirit. There is no separation, just an opportunity to experience life in our own unique way, as an essential aspect of the Divine.
Once you have your very own deck
Read through the introduction and follow the recommendations for connecting with your deck.
Take the time to set your thought toward your goal of awakening and personal expansion.
Ways to use the cards
You can use the cards for doing readings for yourself or others
Choosing a card a day to focus on
Enjoy and grow!