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 S i r i t u a l W r i t e r

 A r t i s t  &  O r a c l i s t

A b o u t



Lee-anne is an Energy Artist and Writer with a deep passion for getting you aligned to your Higher Self


With a dedication to supporting those who want to grow and evolve with the universal energy, Lee-anne is a bright and guiding light, passionate about assisting you on your journey. Whether that journey starts with a desire to deepen your self-awareness, expand your consciousness or get that zest for life flowing through everything you do, Lee-anne is able to assist and support you to manifest the life you want!. 


To Lee-anne, the world is more than what we see with our physical senses and is more than the random experiences we face day in, day out. It is the subtle vibrations that string us together, the play of light that animates our every day and the frequencies of our choices and of our intentions. Lee-anne has the ability to tap into the unseen frequencies of the web that holds us together, this is her playing field. As a channel, she is able to read the coding that is the catalyst for change, growth, and awakening. 


Although Lee-anne has extensively studied esoteric teachings and a wide range of healing modalities, it is her ability to connect with your energy and guides, interpret the frequencies and combine these with her compassion to relay this information, that creates the space for you to achieve your goals. You walk away with the tools you need to put your intentions into action and create the life want. 




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